What is the La Diva Artists Movement?

Certainly is a mouthful, huh?

In the simplest terms the La Diva Artists Movement is a group of women who have come together to share their passions in the world of artistry.

These women are not pretentious, in fact they are far from being “diva-ish”. You won’t read long winded diatribes in their biography’s about their love of art, music, film, etc or gibberish about how their art sustains them. Blah, blah, blah, if you have to talk about your about yourself that much, then you should ask yourself “who am I trying to convince?”

These women are everyday, get the job done, take a knock down punch and get back up REAL women. Not Diva’s, not Goddesses, Not playing at artist, or trying to be anyone but themselves.

They are mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, partners, lovers who enjoy sharing their passions and supporting and leaning one another in the hopes of growing their talents.

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then we must too realize that art is as well. Calling yourself an artist, doesn’t make your art good, great or even worthy of the refrigerator door.

Art in the simple terms for me is the expressions and impressions one shares that creates emotion and thought in another. If your piece of work whether it’s words, drawings, painting, photography, fabric design, creates emotion in another that’s empowering.

Women shouldn’t be discouraged from sharing their passions, expressing themselves to the world. If painting empowers you to become a stronger person in the sea of humanity we navigate daily, then paint your heart out. If writing dirty minded erotic tales, empowers you to take control of your sexuality, then type away. Whatever makes you stronger and empowers you to contribute to the world, leaving it better for having you in it, then go for it.

If you like to play artist and have people make phoo-phoo comments about your art, then this isn’t the place for you. If you want others to view your work, become inspired to take up the brushes, or hit the keyboard, or find that camera, then Welcome. If you want to be treated as an equal, as a sister, as a member of a global community, then Welcome.

When I wrote the tagline “Release Your Inner Diva”, it meant just that. Let your self expression free. You can be mom at the PTA meeting and still find time to create, design and share.

For here at La Diva Artists Movement, what’s real is real, what’s hype is on someone else site.

Peace, love and Never retreat, just Reload.

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