Anne Hecker Biography

I am a 22 year-old film student at Colorado University, Boulder, expecting to graduate in May and following that I intend to have a raucous good time.

I am a filmmaker, animator, writer, painter, et cetera et cetera.

I basically love all forms of art, from Dada poetry to experimental music. I am a recent feminist, though that label sounds off to me because I tend to formulate my on beliefs and shun other peoples.

I find an inherent incongruity, hypocrisy, and contradiction in just about all aspects of life, and my cynical nature has lead me to create works of art that mostly focus on the supernatural, levity, the sky, comedy, and other aspects of the imagination and world untouched by the reality of society and the shit of the world.

While the angst of the everyday is interesting and depressing, I find my inspiration in the quest for the transcendental.

Helping me in this quest is a small faction of awesome people to serve as inspiration and cohorts, such as the wonderful Elizabeth S., my siblings (including my step-sibling Ginny), BASE jumpers and flyers, and a small group of amazing artists of all types I know through the global network of the Internet.