Genre Inc: Gen Montreuil

Born Jennifer Montreuil, Gen (changed to reflect her philosophy as a Taoist) is a self-taught artist working creatively since she was a child. Always fascinated with the human form, Gen’s first outlet for her creativity was in the field of hair and makeup. She gained a reputation as a talented and creative hair stylist, which eventually took her to America’s Film Industry Oscar Ceremonies. As her fascination lay truly in working with the human form, it was only a matter of time before Gen began expanding her techniques in to creative body painting, no longer simply applying makeup to the face, but now using the lines and curves of the entire human body as her canvas.

At the age of 27 Gen also became interested in skydiving, immersing herself in to the sport with gusto. The freedom of flying through the air untethered was soon reflected in her paintings. After a study in body casting, the artist was now able to incorporate the exhilaration of sky diving with her love of the human body. The two became melded together in her painting technique, using cast figures and free form painting to create reflective works of the young artist’s personal journey.

In a very short 4 years, the resulting paintings have captured the imagination of magazine publishers and collectors from around the world.

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