Contact Us

Featured Artists:

Amanda Lamb
Anne Hecker
Allyson Gray
Cyndi Roberts
Elizabeth Shepherd

We take great pride in presenting the artwork of fellow artists and friends, wonderfully talented artists.

If you are an artist who would like us to consider your work for the Featured Artists pages, please contact us at:

We are also interested in artists who use words to paint their artistry across the canvas of the reader’s mind. Along, with photographers who capture life and bring it into focus.

La Diva Artists Movement is about finding your inner Diva and together as women supporting each other, releasing it for mass consumption.


General Information
Artists please contact La Diva Artists Movement for information about adding your site link to the Recommended Websites or for adding your artwork/written word to the website.






all images and words are protected by U.S. and International Copyright laws.
ANY other use constitutes infringement
violation and prosecution will occur to
the fullest extent of applicable laws.

copyright LaDAM2006-2011